Tadoku Update 2

We’re nearing the end of this round of Tadoku, which is going…fairly well, considering my average seems to be around 3-4 pages a day. I’m not sure I’ll reach my goal of 175 pages unless I spend a few days doing nothing but reading, but I’ll do my best to get as close to that goal as I can! Right now 100 pages is sort of a mini-goal, and I’m nearly at 90 pages right now, so I’m close.

Oh! I kept meaning to mention it but I totally didn’t, so I’ll say it here: I bought a used issue of Top Yell (Japanese magazine) from Airiindeshou (thank you again!!!) and I’ve been making my way through that… It’s so different reading vertical text as opposed to horizontal text–wow. I have to follow it with my finger, but I’m sure with continued reading I’ll get used to it. I think I’m reading a little faster thanks to it too, somehow. o.o

As far as other Japanese-learning-related updates, I downloaded some new podcasts and have been listening to those, as well as some playlists containing plenty of spoken Japanese on Youtube channels like Morning Musume’s member intro playlist, Juice=Juice’s digest collection, and Up Up Girls’ event playlist. In these particular playlists, because the groups are musical ones, the speaking is broken up by music, but it’s not so much that the whole video is just music. It was nice to have these going while I was working on my contest entry! I really feel like I consumed a lot of Japanese in that time. @.@

I’ve also been practicing shadowing, though I think I should do it more often, just as I should try to read in Japanese more. It seems like I can speak better when I’m modeling how to say something in Japanese to my mom or someone else, but when I just speak naturally it comes out…wonky. ;A; I WILL TRY HARDER. (ง •̀_•́)ง


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