Happy November!!

Happy birthday to my mom – October 30.
Happy Halloween – October 31.
Happy November, All Saints Day, and the start of NaNoWriMo – today!

I feel like I’m saying something like this every post lately, but wow! It’s already November! Where has this year gone??

At midnight, the last day of Tadoku ended and NaNoWriMo began. I should actually be writing for that instead of writing this. :3c But I wanted to say hi and give a Tadoku report!

This round I upped my page goal to 145 based on my end page count from the previous full round in June (about 130 pages). But this round I finished at 134.5 pages…more than in June but still less than my goal for October.

Tadoku October 2013 Results

As you can see, it’s pretty jumpy. ^^; The days that say “0” are actually days that I forgot to update on Tadoku, so I actually did read every day. The huge jumps are due to my adding the previous day’s pages in…except for the 31st, which was just me trying to get as much reading in as I could to make up for the days where I barely read anything in Japanese for whatever reason.

Random side note, but Tadoku still displays my previous avatar and I don’t know why…

Final thoughts? I’m actually not too disappointed. I think this actually reflects how much Japanese I read daily already. I always read something, even if it’s just some Tweets. Actually, the biggest problem I had this round was not making myself read or finding things to read…but remembering whether or not that thing I read earlier was in Japanese or English! I just read now, without thinking, “Oh, I need to count this for Tadoku” or even “Oh, I need to study with this”. It’s more because I actually want to know what it says.

Also, because I can read more Japanese now than I could even in June, a lot of times I’ll start reading something without realizing I’m reading it until I either finish it or come to something I don’t know.

I’m amazed at that. o.o

Alright! I’m off to Writing Land!

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