Packing Day 1

Today I’ve been laying out clothes I’ll take on vacation…trying to make outfits and all…

For vacation we are going to Seagroves, Florida (beach, yayyy~) as we have for the past two years. ^w^ Each year we have learned something from the trip…like TAKE LESS STUFF. The first year, I took too many things, so the second year I took less…but my parents took more things so we ended up having more stuff altogether. orz This year we’re packing smarter and lighter, I hope.

Last year, the condo we rented had internet, so it should have it this year as well. I hope so, because I want to be able to post blog entries and things like that, in addition to getting the China journal online. ><


Wordpress does not allow me to embed images from DeviantART into my posts. D: That's what I tried to do yesterday with the sketch, but alas, it failed. I can't direct-link to the picture using image tags either. D:

And our kitchen floor is not as black now. :3 It still smells bad though. XD;;;;;

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